🥁🎺 Rhythm and Timbre Variations on a Beat

In this example, we feed a beat made using a pocket operator into VampNet, and try to create interesting rhythmic and timbral variations of the original beat.

🎹 VampNet Input


🤖 Output 1

This example was created by creating a periodic prompt with P=7. We used 36 sampling steps in total, with a temperature of 8.0 .


🤖 Output 2

This example was created by creating a periodic prompt with P=9. We used 36 sampling steps in total, with a temperature of 8.8 .


🤖 Output 3

This example was created by creating a periodic prompt with P=7. We used 36 sampling steps in total, with a temperature of 11.7 .


🤖 Output 4

For this example we used 36 sampling steps with an temperature of 11.3. We used a beat-driven prompt, with 33ms prompt duration per downbeat.